[OpenIndiana-discuss] Forgot Zone Root Password, Redirect X inside Zone, Reinstall Zone

Handojo handoyog at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 14 16:37:05 UTC 2014

Thank You all for the Help ( Regarding Root Zone Password ) !!!

To Conclude :

- If you messed up with root password, but haven't emptied the content of password field in /etc/shadow, then : zlogin <zonename>
Will let you login to your zone and from there you can 'passwd' to change the root password

can solve your problem. 

Courtesy of Saso Kiselkov

- If you have emptied the content of the root password field in /etc/shadow in your zone, then write down anything on the password field, and do the first solution
Courtesy of Saso Kiselkov

- Another solution, set a new root password from the global zone:
chroot /mypool/root/etc/shadow passwd root
Courtesy of Saso Kiselkov

- Copy pasting the content of user password obtained from a known source ( from global zone ), from /etc/shadow, into zone's /etc/shadow
is also one working solution
Courtesy of Stefan Müller-Wilken

- Yet another idea - try 'zlogin -S zonename' to login as a system account, bypassing normal account checks and shell init. When you get into the zone, run 'passwd' to change the root password.
Courtesy of Jim Klimov

Thanks Pal, you rocks !

Now only left with having X forwarded to another host, or to global zone.

On Monday, January 13, 2014 6:48 PM, Handojo <handoyog at yahoo.com> wrote:
Can't you just zlogin as root from the global zone? Then you can run
passwd and set up a new root password. 

I have to log in as root in order to run zlogin

and I can't run : zlogin -l root <zonename>
the reply was : Login incorrect

So the only option is to run : zlogin -C <zonename>

But since I removed the password field of user root on /mypool/root/etc/shadow
into : root::6445::::::

when I login to the zone, it says : pam_authtok_get: login: empty password not allowed for root from localhost

I wonder why anybody else can zlogin as root with the password taken out, while I can't



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