[OpenIndiana-discuss] 151a9 missing gnome/locale/*

Richard PALO richard.palo at free.fr
Fri Jun 13 07:21:32 UTC 2014

After upgrading one of our systems from a7 to a9, I came across the fact 
that gnome/locale/fr (actually all of them) is missing for a9, only up 
to a8 is available.  seems to be an omission.

Is it possible to get that quickly built and pushed, and/or is there a 
special cantation to force pkg to install the a8 version.
> richard at smicro:~$ pkg list -af gnome/locale/fr
> NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-           --o
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-           --o
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-           ---
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-           ---
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-           ---
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-           ---
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-           ---
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-           ---
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-           ---
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-0.151.1             ---
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-0.148               ---
> gnome/locale/fr                                   0.5.11-0.147               ---

I *don't* like to copy from the a7 BE...

(in hipster, it seems the locales revert to each proper package, for 
example gtk2, but not [yet] so in OI...)

thanks in advance

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