[OpenIndiana-discuss] nfs oi server - linux clients

Harry Putnam reader at newsguy.com
Mon Sep 15 22:46:12 UTC 2014

I need a current modern walk thru of what it takes to setup nfs
serving, so that the clients' users are able to access rw and run
scripts or binaries.

First a quite description of the situation:
First and formost I am a terrrible green horn.  I've rarely used nfs. 
And never with solaris as server

  oi server on home lan of a few linux hosts and a few windows hosts.
  Very small network with really only single user usage of the nfs

  Home lan is in network (All hosts concerned

Googling can lead to major confusion since the direction are a bit
different (as I understand it) from earlier versions of solaris/oi and

As I understand it, it should take no more than zfs set sharenfs=on.
I guess the old export list etc isn't necessary.

I have set ' zfs set sharenfs=on ' on this share.

But using that theory, what I'm ending up with on the client side:
Is a mounted share that will not allow my user to execute anything.
Where as rw and delete work fine.

When I mount an nfs share on linux (Debian jessie) the mount is setup
in /etc/fstab like so:

# [HP 140814_122407  NFS MOUNTS 
  # 2x.local.lan:/rpub/dv_pub /nfs/rpub-dv-pub  nfs4   rw     0     0
  2x.local.lan:/projects/dv /nfs/projects/dv  nfs4   rw,user,exec     0     0
# ]

You can see the two versions I've tried on different shares.

I've used both of the syntax shown above on the current uncommented
share with the same result as stated above... no execution.

I can read/write/delete but cannot execute a script.

a simple perl script:

cat p.pl:
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  print "hello world\n";

set with chmod 755

And yes... the perl binary referenced is in place and working.  

Gets this error output:

bash: ./p.pl: Permission denied

And the permissions + owner:group look weird.

OK, where to from here?

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