[OpenIndiana-discuss] data on rpool - Bad idea?

James Carlson carlsonj at workingcode.com
Sat Feb 7 16:44:34 UTC 2015

On 2/7/2015 7:38 AM, Volker A. Brandt wrote:
> Harry Putnam writes:
> [...]
>> However I do have 2 1tb discs laying unused.
>> So, (finally cutting to chase) how bad of an idea would it be to use
>> those two 1tb discs for a mirrored rpool and whatever data.
> There should not be any problem whatsoever.  For a home setup, having
> additional data directories in the rpool is perfectly fine.

True.  Even if you want to switch OSes and import your data, nothing
really stops you from installing a new drive, installing that new OS,
and then doing an import on the old rpool to get at your data.

The reason I don't do it is that with the root pool you're limited to
just simple mirroring for the boot devices.  If you have a larger
configuration and want to use something more complex (such as RAIDZ3),
you'll need to have a separate pool for that.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carlsonj at workingcode.com>

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