[OpenIndiana-discuss] What is the recommended way to back up root pool?

David Brodbeck brodbd at uw.edu
Sat Nov 7 00:20:14 UTC 2015

On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Tim Mooney <Tim.Mooney at ndsu.edu> wrote:

> Just MHO, but automated installation (jumpstart, kickstart, etc.) +
> rigorous use of a configuration management system (puppet, ansible,
> chef, etc.) is the way to go for OS config.  It's probably both faster
> and (almost certainly) safer to do that for OS config than to try
> recover the entire OS over the top of an install.

I agree -- it's how I do things at work -- but I have to admit I wouldn't
set up and maintain a puppet server just for a home fileserver. ;)

D. Brodbeck
System Administrator, Linguistics
University of Washington
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