[OpenIndiana-discuss] 32-bit support in OpenIndiana Hipster

Aurélien Larcher aurelien.larcher at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 18:20:27 UTC 2016

> We are going to follow the path which was chosen by Oracle in
> userland-gate.
> Basic macroses are not touched. Compilers still produce 32-bit binaries by
> default. 64-bit binaries are produced when necessary and delivered in
> /usr/bin
> if 32-bit binaries are not present. We'd like to avoid delivering 32-bit
> binaries.

Hmm could we instead have binaries delivered in respective /usr/bin/$ARCH
and use isaexec ?
Or at least not mix 32 and 64 bits in /usr/bin ?
That's what I had in mind when I talked about modifying some macros...

> 64-bit libraries are delivered to /usr/lib/amd64,
> 32-bit libraries are preserved.

Sure. It do not think it can be otherwise.

OmniOS and Dilos already doesn't claim to support 64-bit binaries. Dilos I
> think is closer to us,
> as it uses the same build system, AFAIK, it didn't have to do build system
> modifications to
> produce 64-bit binaries. So, what macroses do you mean?

Default paths for executables as defined for instance in configure.mk.

> Ideally this will not affect current SFE version, as we preserve 32-bit
> libs, but this affects
> future SFE builds (which should account, for example, for 64-bit Perl).


> As for x11, I don't see sense in shipping 32-bit X server binaries or
> modules. So, I think we'll
> also follow upstream here. Deliver 64-bit binaries in /usr/bin and
> symlinks from in /usr/bin/amd64 to
> the binaries.


But should we call for finishing the migration of consolidations first ?
Then we could at least tag oi-userland to a state where it can be used to
produce a working system.

If you set a deadline, the next snapshot could then be a proper milestone.
I generated all the Makefiles containing metadata for x11 so that even
someone not used to oi-userland could clone my x11 branch, copy the
Makefile modify it to pass the install target and generate a manifest: even
just passing prep would save time.

There are about 120 packages left, most of them easy, so it is really about
pushing for it (I know, easier said than done).
I prepared a quick start tutorial for oi-userland that can be used.

Thank you for your answers.
We should put up a Wiki page to explain that. I know it takes time but that
would reduce the risk of misunderstanding.


Praise the Caffeine embeddings

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