[OpenIndiana-discuss] What changed my files timestamp?

Jerry Kemp sun.mail.list47 at oryx.us
Fri Jun 24 23:47:58 UTC 2016

Using the routeadm command as an example.

/sbin 445 # ls -l /sbin/routeadm

-r-xr-xr-x   1 root     bin        45992 Dec 16  2010 /sbin/routeadm

/sbin 446 #

If I were to look at this file next week, and saw that it was identical, aside 
from the fact that it now had a new time stamp of

24 June 2016

, is there any way using tools/applications within OpenIndiana to know who or 
what or what process modified the files time stamp?  Or possibly tools external 
to OpenIndiana?

The /bin/stat command provides some interesting details, but nothing like 
tracking down specifics of who did what.

I believe that I already know the answer to this question, but I was asked to 
research it.  If there is an easy answer out their though, my Yahoo-Fu is off today.

Thank you,


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