[OpenIndiana-discuss] MATE 1.14 Desktop for OpenIndiana

Nikola M minikola at gmail.com
Tue May 10 09:24:02 UTC 2016

On 05/ 8/16 05:28 AM, ken mays via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> Hello,
> The MATE 1.14 Desktop Environment is the continuation of GNOME 2. It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop environment using traditional metaphors for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.
> MATE Desktop Environment
> http://mate-desktop.org/blog/2016-04-08-mate-1-14-released/
> About MATE: http://mate-desktop.org/blog/2014-02-07-stefano-presents-mate-at-fosdem/
> Ref: http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/MATE+1.14+Desktop
> Contributed OpenIndiana MATE 1.14 Binaries: http://dlc.openindiana.org/mate-desktop/oi-mate-1.14-desktop-kmays_20160505.tar.xz
> Mainly for testing and development. Comes with all the bells and whistles...

I see there is also 
to check.

I have a question testing MATE (Of course I made a new boot environment 
with 'beadm create' so I have previous state.) :
Should I put MATE test binaries in /usr/local , like it is said in archive?
Or should I put files from archive's /usr/local/dirs in /usr/dirs instead?

I suppose I can add MATE to gdm and select it in menu to boot to MATE 
instead of GNOME? (so that I have GNOME untouched and can still try MATE)
I am thinking that regular way of selecting desktop environment on login 
would be from gdm menu
Is there alternative, like disabling gdm service for testing (pfexec 
svcadm disable gdm) and start X session just to test MATE?

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