A green bird similar to a sparrow but with a long tail


Community-driven illumos Distribution


Getting started

OpenIndiana works on most x86 PCs (SPARC has Beta ISO’s, support Welcome).

From 2017.04 onwards, running on 32-bit systems is not supported anymore and the userland is being migrated progressively to 64-bit only. As usual, 32-bit libraries and core applications are still delivered and maintained for the sake of backward compatibility (but only when running a 64-bit kernel).

To check if your hardware is supported, you can refer to the illumos HCL and the OpenIndiana Community HCL; alternatively, you can boot a Live install media and run the Device Driver Utility (ddu).

For instructions regarding downloading, preparing and installing the images, please refer to the OpenIndiana Handbook.

If you want to contribute to the project, find out how you can help.

Download the current Hipster snapshot of OpenIndiana.

OpenIndiana Hipster 2024.10 Live DVD (64-bit x86)1.90Gsha256
OpenIndiana Hipster 2024.10 Live USB (64-bit x86)2.30Gsha256
OpenIndiana Hipster 2024.10 Text Install DVD (64-bit x86)970.3Msha256
OpenIndiana Hipster 2024.10 Text Install USB (64-bit x86)1.20Gsha256
OpenIndiana Hipster 2024.10 Minimal Install DVD (64-bit x86)470Msha256
OpenIndiana Hipster 2024.10 Minimal Install USB (64-bit x86)604Msha256
OpenIndiana Hipster 2024.10 CloudImage (64-bit x86)831Msha256

Please note that these links might be slower, and it is recommended to visit a list with mirror sites in your region. For more mirrors, our documentation has a list of alternate download sites.

These installations can be updated regularly using the Hipster repository, and receive security fixes. Starting with the 2017.04 release, every image is signed with OpenIndiana Release Engineering GPG key id DBE31887.