[oi-dev] Cleanup of DLC data

Jeppe Toustrup openindiana at tenzer.dk
Tue Jan 17 19:52:30 UTC 2012


I have just did a small bit of cleanup on the DLC root server, there
was some duplicate files inside /isos/osol/ and /isos/opensolaris/, so
I moved the files into /isos/opensolaris/ in order to keep them

I have also moved the two folders which previously was at /repos/ and
/s10-userland/ to http://dlc-int.openindiana.org/ since they weren't
being rsync'ed to the other DLC mirror servers, and could cause
confusion because of this.
This means that the remaining bits on the main DLC server is now
replicated to the mirrors, so I have changed the rsyncd configuration
to reflect this - it no longer includes or excludes and paths, it
simply takes the entire tree inside /www/dlc.
Basically, if you have to put data up for download on the DLC, then
think to yourself about how many people are going to want the file(s),
and for how long they will stay there. We don't want to put more load
on the EveryCity pipes by sync'ing data to the mirror servers, instead
of just having one server serving the data.

Hopefully this wont break too much, anything that would be broken by
this would likely be broken since December when the DLC DNS
round-robin pool was configured.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Jeppe Toustrup (aka. Tenzer)

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