[oi-dev] Install defaults re. SMB and pam.conf

James Blachly james.blachly at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 21:30:14 UTC 2017

(I did not get any response on the -discuss list, so please forgive the re-posting)

Speaking as a new OI user here,

I am using the kernel CIFS/SMB service for the first time (on other systems including smartos I am using samba), which is quite convenient. However, it did not work out of the box.

Is there any reason something along the lines of the following should not be in /etc/pam.conf in the installer/freshly installed image?

# Kernel SMB/CIFS service for insertion into /var/smb/smbpasswd
other   password required       pam_smb_passwd.so.1     nowarn

This seems like a reasonable change that would lower the barrier to entry / lower the frustration level for new users at a critical point in their go/no go decision.
Kind regards

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