[OpenIndiana-discuss] openindiana state

Deano deano at rattie.demon.co.uk
Mon Dec 13 19:31:54 UTC 2010

Guido Wrote

> If you look at http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Human+Resources you
> see a number of consolidations and on
> http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Building+the+Operating+System
> there are instructions how to build them. Apart from that we
> could use more documentation and non-technical contributions such
> as updating and filling the website with content, other marketing
> etc.
I'll try following that guide again, but last time it failed for me, however
I did get confused with Illumos and OI requirements so that might have been
it. This time I will follow it to the letter.

> See http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+jeos/WebHome for
> such an effort which had been started on OpenSolaris.
I'm a bit fuzzy on the whole OpenSolaris/OpenIndiana thing... A lot of the
guides I've read that apply to OpenSolaris have differences for OpenIndiana,
I'm sure I'm not the only persons confused on whats required to work or can
be removed.
Assuming I tackle it and produce a debootstrap like JeOS from that base for
OI, are is the plan to host this kind of thing on the OpenIndiana, for me
the more that is in OpenIndiana and less in OpenSolaris sites the better,
its very confusing to jump from OI, to OS 134 to SX11 particular as its
often the same feature just with different commands (iSCSI is an example of

> Writing drivers is out of scope for OpenIndiana, that should be
> done within the Illumos project. Illumos can be built on OI, the
> process of contributing to Illumos is described here:
> http://www.illumos.org/projects/illumos-gate/wiki/How_To_Contribute
That's probably one of the reason I'm getting confused, I'll think I will
leave Illumos and drivers until I'm more sure what I'm doing. 

> We have planned an extra consolidation where such packages could
> be maintained later, it is just not ready yet. In the meantime
> you could contribute packages to SFE which could later be
> imported into the OI project, see my other mail for details.

SFE? So Consolidations are meta-packages? (package of packages), one thing
that might help clear things up from the start is to call the consolidations
sensible names, ONNV, JDS, XNV would be more understandable as Core, Desktop
and XWindows. It's a little change but one that would make things much
clearer for newbies.

Time to make myself useful and produce a guide or two.

Thanks and hope my comments aren't seen as attacking OI, it has great
potential and is already more useful than many OS products! I'm planning to
use it for a production server (in a limited capacity) going live in a month
or two, as its already passed the tests I needed. Which is itself the
biggest thumbs up I can provide for such a new project :)


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