[OpenIndiana-discuss] X11 Forwarding.. Can't Open Display

Kimmo Jaskari kimmo.jaskari at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 16:35:23 UTC 2011

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 22:22, Gregory Youngblood <gregory at youngblood.me> wrote:
> On Aug 24, 2011, at 12:11 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
>> On 08/24/11 11:29, Kimmo Jaskari wrote:
>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 21:08, Kimmo Jaskari <kimmo.jaskari at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> ssh -V = Sun_SSH_1.5, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x009080ff
>>>> Ugh. And let me say again, ugh. This crap (pardon my language) was in
>>>> Guess I have to go find OpenSSH somewhere. I guess the venerable old
>>>> Sunfreeware is still around huh.

>> Is there some reason you don't just "pkg install xauth" and be done with it?
>> Seems a lot simpler than all this bitching and insulting anyone who could help.
> Guess I'm missing something, because X forwarding works just fine for me. Use it quite a bit, but I did further testing just now to confirm. Both OI 148 and 151 ssh -X works just fine for x forwarding. And I just confirmed I'm using the default Sun SSH. I tested ssh -X from a mac to OI 151 and 148 and between 151 and 148.

First, apologies for my "tone" in the email; it was past 11 pm and the
end of a very long day capped off by troubles from things I didn't
expect troubles from (SSH and Samba at least, to date), and when I saw
that Sun SSH 1.5 thing it just made me flash back to (literally)
installing OpenSSH on every server we had at work a few years back as
the easiest way to get back to work on real stuff... but anyway!

I can only assume (which is never safe, but there ya go) it was
partially some sort of strangeness upgrading from OpenSolaris 134 to
OI 148. Since I didn't really have a lot along the lines of software
installed yet on the machine I just flushed the boot drive and put in
a fresh OI 148 from scratch to eliminate any potential upgrade

Currently, I can make X forwarding work from the global zone, but not
a non-global zone... even after installing xauth in that zone (on my
previous tries in the previous OS install, it was already there.) The
closest I've gotten is to have packagemanager just exit quietly (xming
+ putty and a trial version of SecureCRT).

-{ Kimmo Jaskari }--{ kimmo.jaskari at gmail.com }--

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go
away." -- Philip K. Dick

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