[OpenIndiana-discuss] GPU HCL - nVidia Questions & Advice

Ivan Wang ivwang at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 16:43:33 UTC 2011

> Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 20:16:26 -0500
> From: Frank Middleton <f.middleton at apogeect.com>
> To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
>        <openindiana-discuss at openindiana.org>
> Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPU HCL - nVidia Questions & Advice
> Message-ID: <4D5B256A.6020001 at apogeect.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> My experience with a GT460 hasn't been too stellar. If you enable the
> screensaver, after blanking the screen it starts outputting error
> messages as fast as the logging device can write them. When it goes
> to suspend it goes into the WAIT mode, writing log entries every 3
> seconds. Unfortunately it sometimes goes into WAIT even with the
> screensaver disabled, but the screensaver method is quite repeatable.
> It seems to take a power cycle to get the card working again once this
> has happened, so for now at least, a GT460 seems to be unusable :-(.

feels really bad to hear that.. when nvidia seems the only remaining option for
accelerated gfx adapter. (ATi..meh, Intel.. soon-to-be problem until
new DRI/DRM is finished.)
As Ken pointed out, GT430 seems to be safe for now.

> Hopefully this will be fixed by 7001754, but I would treat any of the
> higher end Nvidia cards with suspicion for now...

but if I read correctly. 7001754 fix might not be in the open for
quite a long time.
John Martin said it's a kernel VM code regression and that means
unless illumos people fix it, the bug will be around indefinitely for
So finding a working accelerated graphics for OI is now more-or-less
try your luck&bucks.. (HCL is result of others' try-your-luck after


> Cheers -- Frank

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