[OpenIndiana-discuss] Proposal: OpenIndiana Stable Branch

Dmitry G. Kozhinov dima at desktopfay.com
Mon Jan 17 21:42:04 UTC 2011


On 18.01.2011 1:35, Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz wrote:
> * a server layer - no desktop, just a stable set of packages to build
>   a (mail | web | database | ...) server with a text console interface.
> * a server desktop layer, with just the minimum window packages to
>   manage servers with within an window environnement. This may be 
> installed
>   on the top of server layer.
> * a desktop application layer, with all "office" applications 
> (openoffice,
>   thunderbird, ...). This may be installed on the top of previous layers. 

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