[OpenIndiana-discuss] NFS4 users

Gabriele Bulfon gbulfon at sonicle.com
Tue Jul 26 14:29:19 UTC 2011

Hi, is there any way to let NFS4 server not require the same users of the client to exist on the server??
I noticed that the root access on an NFS4 server, let me chmod on any user who's id exists on the server,
wether it is same name or not. Any chmod to a uid not existent on the server, is changed to nobody...
For example, I shared a filesystem, and filled it with an original filesystem, through NFS3.
If I mount it with vers=3, I get all the correct permissions from the client view, wether they exist or not
on the server.
If I mount the same share with vers=4, I get correct permissions only for files with uid existent on the
server (even if different names), all the others files get the user nobody............
I want to use NFS4, because I noticed that locking management is much better, and cyrus does not
complain. But this permission limitation is annoying.
Any idea?

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