[OpenIndiana-discuss] Networking with Zones an Crossbow

Darko Hojnik hojnik at virtualizing.org
Sun Mar 27 16:31:33 UTC 2011

Hello Gary,

They is no Bridge on the System configured. Because for the future if I  
would run OpenIndiana in a Datacenter some ISP's doesn't like Interfaces  
with promiscuous mode in there network. My goal is to deploy one Interface  
 from the global zone and vnic's per each unprivileged zone. And everything  
should run in one network only without bridging.

kind regards,

Am 27.03.2011, 17:08 Uhr, schrieb Gary Driggs <gdriggs at gmail.com>:

> I may have missed something... Did you day these are not bridged  
> interfaces? If so, which one is handling the routing? I've only used  
> VNICs in bridged mode as we have external infrastructure for routing.
> -Gary
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