[OpenIndiana-discuss] [zfs-discuss] zfs incremental send?

Jonathan Adams t12nslookup at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 11:10:22 UTC 2011

we always do ZFS receives from a local disk, after we had the system
with the ZFS drives die in a big way when the link went down.

It might work with better fault tolerance nowadays, and our ISP was
playing up at the time, but we never want to have to fix that type of
error again ... ghostly snapshots that can't be used/destroyed, disks
that never rebuild in mirrors ... *shudder*.

On 29 March 2011 11:10, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy at karlsbakk.net> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> On 2011-Mar-29 02:19:30 +0800, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
>> <roy at karlsbakk.net> wrote:
>> >Is it (or will it) be possible to do a partial/resumable zfs
>> >send/receive? If having 30TB of data and only a gigabit link, such
>> >transfers takes a while, and if interrupted, will require a
>> >re-transmit of all the data.
>> zfs send/receive works on snapshots: The smallest chunk of data that
>> can be sent/received is the delta between two snapshots. There's no
>> way to do a partial delta - defining the endpoint of a partial
>> transfer or the starting point for resumption is effectively a
>> snapshot.
> I know that's how it works, I'm merely pointing out that changing this to something resumable would be rather nice, since an initial transfer or 30 or 300 terabytes may easily be interrupted.
> Vennlige hilsener / Best regards
> roy
> --
> Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
> (+47) 97542685
> roy at karlsbakk.net
> http://blogg.karlsbakk.net/
> --
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