[OpenIndiana-discuss] Sharing zfs volume on QLogic QLE4062C

Jonathan Adams t12nslookup at gmail.com
Thu May 19 19:12:44 UTC 2011

have you seen:


On 19 May 2011 16:50, Gabriele Bulfon <gbulfon at sonicle.com> wrote:
> Hi, I was trying to follow some guides to share zfs volumse through hardware manged iscsi.
> I have installed an QLE4062C and original QLogic drivers.
> The system see the device and ports, QLogic cli commands can see everything correctly.
> I'm trapped now, because "fcinfo hba-port" does not see any adapter.
> Docs talk about switching from initiator mode to traget, by updating the driver from qlc to qlt.
> My driver is not qlc, but qla4xxx, or what am I missing?
> I tried to do the update_drv changing from qla4xxx to qlt, but it doesn't work and it fails to attach.
> How can I let OpenIndiana use the card and share zfs volumes on it?
> Thanks for any help.
> Gabriele.
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