[OpenIndiana-discuss] Cannot log in to machine

Daniel Kjar dkjar at elmira.edu
Wed Nov 2 12:19:46 UTC 2011

Just had this happen to me while traveling (very frustrating).  Mysql 
and apache kept chugging along but had to power cycle.  This was on a 
sol 10 box (x2200m2) so as the previous poster said, it is not dist 

On 11/ 2/11 01:10 AM, Gregory Youngblood wrote:
> I have seen this when the io system is completely locked. Only services that can run from cached data operate and anything that hits the locked io will hang. My guess is ssh is working but your getting hung on the part that logs your login or looks up your credentials or ssh key.
> The only time it happened when I was logged in I could run commands from cached memory but when I did something that touched a drive it would hang.
> When this has happened to me I have had no choice but to power cycle. It has happened probably 3-4 times over the course of ~8 years or so on Linux, Solaris and OpenSolaris, on different hardware and usually on headless systems.
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Dr. Daniel Kjar
Assistant Professor of Biology
Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Elmira College
1 Park Place
Elmira, NY 14901

"...humans send their young men to war; ants send their old ladies"
	-E. O. Wilson

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