[OpenIndiana-discuss] setting up nfs4 from scratch

Mark mark0x01 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 06:41:23 UTC 2011

NFS 4 setup

you need to configure your domain

Verbosity = 0
Pipefs-Directory = /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs
Domain = mydomain.local
Nobody-User = nobody
Nobody-Group = nobody
Method = nsswitch


make sure services are running

svcadm enable nfs/status
svcadm enable nfs/server
svcadm enable nfs/nlockmgr
svcadm enable nfs/mapid

configure Domain

sharectl set -p nfsmapid_domain=drg.local nfs

The nfs access then needs to be set on the zfs filesystem

zfs -o sharenfs=rw=@,root=@, \
anon=0 datapool/mydata

mount from linux

mount -t nfs4  -o rw /mnt/mydata

nfs3 does not require the domain settings.
I use both nfs3 and nfs4, but GID/UID issues and ACLS can be tricky, 
especially if you run cifs on the same file system as I do.


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