[OpenIndiana-discuss] IPv6 question

Mike Hyde mike.hyde1 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 16:04:05 UTC 2011

As I mentioned, this is a base install.  I am using NWAM for networking.  The network is setup so that the interface IP comes from RA, and the dhcp server only provides dns servers.  This does work on linux properly, so I believe the network is setup properly.  

When I run dhcpinfo -i bge0 -v6 DNSAddresses I do get a DNS server address.

So based on your email I need to create a eventhook file and through some config into it.  Any idea where I would look to figure out what I need?

On Nov 17, 2011, at 9:48 AM, James Carlson wrote:

> Mike Hyde wrote:
>> I am getting an IPv6 address via RA, but I am not getting a DNS entry via dhcpv6.
> By RA, I assume you mean "stateless autoconfiguration."
> For DHCPv6, see in.ndpd(1M) and dhcpagent(1M).  The way it's supposed to
> work on a "normal" network is that the router (via RA messages) signals
> that clients on this network should run what it calls "stateful
> autoconfiguration" -- this means DHCPv6.
> When this happens, in.ndpd will automatically invoke dhcpagent, and
> start doing DHCPv6 to get addresses and other data, depending on the
> "managed" and "other" flags in that RA message.
> Depending on the configuration of your system (whether you're using NWAM
> or not), you may need to set up an /etc/dhcp/eventhook to do something
> useful with the "BOUND6" and "EXTEND6" events.
> So, some questions:
>  - Do you have explicit ndpd configuration (ndpd.conf)?  If so, do you
>    have stateful autoconf disabled?
>  - Is your local router configured to advertise the need for DHCPv6?
>    If it can't be configured that way, then see ifconfig(1M) for ways
>    to start up DHCPv6 manually.
>  - What does "ifconfig -a" say about the state of the interfaces?  You
>    will see "DHCP" on the IPv6 interface if DHCPv6 is running.
>  - If the interface is already running DHCPv6, then try:
> 	dhcpinfo -i bge0 -v6 DNSAddresses
>    (Replace "bge0" with the name of your interface.)
> If that last bit works, then /etc/dhcp/eventhook is probably what you
> need.
> -- 
> James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carlsonj at workingcode.com>
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