[OpenIndiana-discuss] Apache error on reboot

Mark Humphreys saskaloon at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 05:59:39 UTC 2011

When deploying Webstack 1.6 on Solaris 10, I found a similar issue with
making directories in the /var/run file system, after reboot.  To secure the
application, I had changed apache2 to run as the webservd user/role (the
main process was previously kicked-off as root), and consequently it could
no longer create the temporary items under /var/run.

My workaround was to add webservd to the sys group, and write a startup
script to issue a "chmod g+w" on /var/run.  To do this, I:

1) Created a startup script in /etc/init.d (ie. /etc/init.d/chmod_varrun)
2) Created a symbolic link in /etc/rc2.d (ie.
/etc/init.d/rc2.d/S99chmod_varrun) back-to the the script in /etc/init.d.

Granted, the solution was for Solaris 10.  I'm not sure the legacy script
will work on an OpenSolaris derivative.

Of course, if someone else knows a best practice, or a better place to put
this kind-of script which would be relevant to recent builds, I'm all ears
(well eyes), as well!


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