[OpenIndiana-discuss] Using Openindiana with IBM TS3100 tape library

Lauri-Alo Adamson lauri.adamson at andmevara.ee
Tue Mar 6 05:45:44 UTC 2012

paolo marcheschi <paolo.marcheschi <at> ftgm.it> writes:

> Hi I'm interested in your experiment, but unfortunately I do not have a 
> LTO5 connected to an openindiana host.
> However it seems that the library is not recognized by the driver, have 
> you tried to probe the correct devices ?
> search for a file that is on /usr/kernel/drv/IBMtape.conf.
> from the solaris read me 
> ftp://ftp.cac.psu.edu/mirror/devdrvr/Solaris/IBMtape.README :
> "
> 6) Add the entries up to target 255 in IBMtape.conf
>     The new IBMtape.conf will help IBMtape driver to probe those devices which 
are mapped
>     over target 15 by HBA driver.
>     For new install, the new IBMtape.conf with a SCSI target range from 0 to 
255 is copied to
>     the directory of /usr/kernel/drv/.
>     For the update, IBMtape driver doesn't overwrite the old IBMtape.conf in 
the directory of
>     /usr/kernel/drv during its installation. To use the new IBMtape.conf, the 
user needs to
>     backup the original file of IBMtape.conf in /usr/kernel/drv, copy 
IBMtape.conf from the
>     directory of /opt/IBMtape to /usr/kernel/drv, and modify the new 
IBMtape.conf according
>     the original file of IBMtape.conf. It will take effect after the system 
reboot or IBMtape
>     driver is reloaded in the kernel.
> "
> Greetings
> Paolo

Hello !

Many thanks for your answer ! I looked my /usr/kernel/drv/IBMtape.conf file an 
discovered that my IBMtape.conf already has these lines as you described in your 
letter. Here is is last line of my IBMtape.conf file.

name="IBMtape" class="scsi" target=255 lun=1 block_size=0 buffering=1 
immediate=0 trailer=0 sili=0;

Lauri-Alo Adamson

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