[OpenIndiana-discuss] Access to /etc on a pool from another system?

Reginald Beardsley pulaskite at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 19 18:14:31 UTC 2012

This is in response to all.

rhb at openindiana:~# zfs list -r fpool
fpool                   6.97G   105G    45K  /mnt/fpool
fpool/ROOT              3.72G   105G    31K  legacy
fpool/ROOT/openindiana  3.72G   105G  3.60G  /mnt
fpool/dump               479M   105G   479M  -
fpool/export            2.24G   105G    32K  /mnt/export
fpool/export/home       2.24G   105G    32K  /mnt/export/home
fpool/export/home/rhb   2.24G   105G  2.24G  /mnt/export/home/rhb
fpool/swap               544M   105G   523M  -

Note:  The disk is an IDE drive which I'm accessing via a USB<->IDE adaptor

This was my test install of OI using a system I do such things on.  I'd like to get the X11 config and some other config stuff from it. Unfortunately, I don't remember the password I used :-(

rhb at openindiana:~# mount -F zfs fpool/ROOT /a
rhb at openindiana:~# ls -a /a
.   ..

No problem accessing fpool

rhb at openindiana:~# ls /mnt
export  fpool

Not quite sure I understand the beadm comment, though I'll read up on the man page.


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