[OpenIndiana-discuss] Access to /etc on a pool from another system?

James Carlson carlsonj at workingcode.com
Mon Mar 19 18:45:06 UTC 2012

Reginald Beardsley wrote:
> This is in response to all.
> rhb at openindiana:~# zfs list -r fpool
> NAME                     USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> fpool                   6.97G   105G    45K  /mnt/fpool
> fpool/ROOT              3.72G   105G    31K  legacy
> fpool/ROOT/openindiana  3.72G   105G  3.60G  /mnt
> fpool/dump               479M   105G   479M  -
> fpool/export            2.24G   105G    32K  /mnt/export
> fpool/export/home       2.24G   105G    32K  /mnt/export/home
> fpool/export/home/rhb   2.24G   105G  2.24G  /mnt/export/home/rhb
> fpool/swap               544M   105G   523M  -

What does "df /mnt" say?

With that layout, I'd expect /mnt/etc to contain the "/etc" from that

If it doesn't, then perhaps it's as simple as the strange "/mnt/fpool"
entry causing the "/mnt" mount to fail.

Where there errors when you mounted these file systems?  Perhaps one
saying that the system was unable to mount fpool/ROOT/openindiana
because the "/mnt" directory was not empty?

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carlsonj at workingcode.com>

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