[OpenIndiana-discuss] Current ZFS Backup projects

Mark Creamer whitetr6 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 14:56:10 UTC 2012

A recent thread caused me to look for open source projects that leverage
ZFS to backup systems. I found a couple, such as OmniTI's
but that one appears to be dead - at least the links don't work and the Git
page shows no recent activity. Nexenta's commercial product for Windows,
"Delorean", also appears to have been killed (unfortunately without first
being released to the community as far as I can tell). Wondering if anyone
knows of any other projects that use scripts or some other method to manage
system backups with zfs. I'm hoping to build on the ideas of someone more
knowledgeable to automate my snapshot and recovery efforts.

Mark Creamer

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