[OpenIndiana-discuss] PACS DICOM server based on OI presented as a poster at CMBBE 2013!

Lou Picciano loupicciano at comcast.net
Thu Apr 4 19:08:22 UTC 2013

Super Work, Bryan! Kudos!   

Lou Picciano (MD)

----- Original Message -----
From: Bryan N Iotti <ironsides.medvet at gmail.com>
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana <openindiana-discuss at openindiana.org>
Sent: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 18:51:19 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] PACS DICOM server based on OI presented as a    poster at CMBBE 2013!

Hi all,

   As I had told you a while back, the OI-based PACS server I installed 
in my University was accepted as one of the two posters I'm presenting 
here in Salt Lake City, USA, at the 11th International Symposium of 
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering.

I did my best to ensure that OI gets the visibility it deserves for 
this, since without it the system would not be running as well as it has.

Here's what the poster looks like (scaled down of course, the real one 
is 850x850mm):
PACS Poster


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