[OpenIndiana-discuss] link property e1000 / igb

Randy S sim.ple at live.nl
Thu Apr 25 11:59:45 UTC 2013

Hi all,

version OI5a7

I'm trying to force a nic to work at 1000 mb. 
 test the commands first, I usually  test it on a testsystem. I 
found some docs from oracle stating that if you want to force a nic to 
perform at a certain speed, you should disable advertising the speeds 
that you don't want with the command: dladm set-linkprop -p adv adv_100fdx_cap=0 e1000g0 
dladm set-linkprop -p adv_100hdx_cap=0 e1000g0

afer executing the commands I get :
dladm: warning: cannot set link property 'adv_100fdx_cap' on 'e1000g0': read-only property
dladm: warning: cannot set link property 'adv_100hdx_cap' on 'e1000g0': read-only property

dladm show-linkprop e1000g0 gives:

LINK         PROPERTY        PERM VALUE          DEFAULT        POSSIBLE
e1000g0      speed           r-   1000           1000           --
e1000g0      autopush        rw   --             --             --
e1000g0      zone            rw   --             --             --
e1000g0      duplex          r-   full           full           half,full
e1000g0      state           r-   up             up             up,down
e1000g0      adv_autoneg_cap rw   1              1              1,0
e1000g0      mtu             rw   1500           1500           1500-16362
e1000g0      flowctrl        rw   no             bi             no,tx,rx,bi
e1000g0      adv_10gfdx_cap  r-   --             0              1,0
e1000g0      en_10gfdx_cap   --   --             0              1,0
e1000g0      adv_1000fdx_cap r-   1              0              1,0
e1000g0      en_1000fdx_cap  rw   1              1              1,0
e1000g0      adv_1000hdx_cap r-   0              0              1,0
e1000g0      en_1000hdx_cap  rw   0              0              1,0
e1000g0      adv_100fdx_cap  r-   1              0              1,0
e1000g0      en_100fdx_cap   rw   1              1              1,0
e1000g0      adv_100hdx_cap  r-   1              0              1,0
e1000g0      en_100hdx_cap   rw   1              1              1,0
e1000g0      adv_10fdx_cap   r-   1              0              1,0
e1000g0      en_10fdx_cap    rw   1              1              1,0
e1000g0      adv_10hdx_cap   r-   1              0              1,0
e1000g0      en_10hdx_cap    rw   1              1              1,0

and thus shows thes props as read-only. 

So how do you force a nic to perform at 1000Mb in OI?

High regards,



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