[OpenIndiana-discuss] redo size of rpool

Harry Putnam reader at newsguy.com
Sat Aug 31 00:45:48 UTC 2013

Jim Klimov <jimklimov at cos.ru> writes:

> On 2013-08-29 20:25, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> Now I need to enlarge the rpool.
> Are you sure? :)
> There are some benefits to having rpool separate from a data pool,
> even if on the same disks (for example, you can add cache and log
> devices to a data pool, while options are limited for an rpool).
> Also they live different lives, with rpool usually seeing less
> write-activity and thus it is less exposed to potential damage
> as well as fragmentation, over-filling (though you can preemptively
> compensate with quotas and reservations) and other breakage causes.

The rpool is on a small disc, only 10gb in a vm.  I was just
experimenting by my experiment is getting bigger as I learn a bit

The only out of place data on the rpool is a pile of csw pkgs on /opt
but that's only 550 MB or so, so its mainly the OS and snapshots taking
the space.

I'm getting warning that all snapshots are being deleted since the
disc is said to be over 95 % full.

At that point I shut down and made a clone (vbox is the vm), to try to
save the work I have done so far.

I've created 2 larger virtual discs at 24GB that should be enough but
now (since making the OP on this thread) I have a nasty problem when I
attempt to reboot.

It appears my user is gone or something because the user I login as
does not accept the password.  There is no chance at all that I'm
putting it in wrong.

>> Also wondering when I detach the new bigger bootable disc, how do I
>> tell the OS not to boot off one of the existing mirrored pair of
>> original rpool discs.
> I believe that when you use detach, the other disk is no longer
> considered a pool - it is just an unused disk. So even if a GRUB
> lives there, it should find the last disk actually remaining in
> the pool as the one holding the rpool.
>> Another thing I wondered is since I'm planning to add a mirror to this
>> new bigger disc anyway... so should I do that right at the same time
>> to avoid having no mirror for some amount of time.
> I am not sure I understand the question... You can go with a 3-way
> mirror for a while and then detach the smaller disk. Is this it?

Probably because I don't really understand what needs to happen.
Disregard the part you are not understanding as baloney.

My last two paragraphs are thinking I will have created a 3 part
mirror of rpool ... The newest member is over twice the size of the
other two.

So I'm suggesting I should detach the big one once it is silvered and
made bootable.

You've explained what happens when that detach happens but in this
case I would be detaching a third member of the mirror which would
leave a mirrored pair of bootable discs.  I guess the same thing would
happen with them?

So once rebooted (Assuming I can emergency boot or something to see
what happened to my user or its password), I asked if I could then
make rpool grow onto the bigger disc by using the `autoexpand'

I'm not sure if I need to start another thread about how to get booted
when my user has disappeared.  I'll await any response you may feel
like posting before doing so.  I'm googling up some clues how to do
that now.

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