[OpenIndiana-discuss] smb server promblem

Brogyányi József brogyi at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 15:40:02 UTC 2013

2013.07.18. 14:59 keltezéssel, DormitionSkete at hotmail.com írta:
>> On Jul 18, 2013, at 6:13 AM, Jozsef Brogyanyi wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I have a little problem with smb server. When I issue the svcs -x command then I looked everything is all right but from win7 I could not see the shared folder's.
>>> Just I can see the attached  folder's.
>> I'm not real sure what you mean.  Can you see the server in your Windows Explorer network neighborhood?
>> Try:  svcadm enable wins
>> This starts the nmbd service that makes the server visible in Windows, Linux, Mac, etc. file browsers.
>> HTH
> Oh, and then wait a few minutes.  Some of the client browsers take a few minutes to find the servers.
> But once it finds the server, you should be able to open the different shares without them being explicitly attached.
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You're right. When I switched on my win7 it can see the OI share. While 
I read your e-mail the network is began to work. Just I checked Jim 
It shows the next:
brogyi at openindiana:~$ svcs -a | grep shares
online         Jul_16   svc:/network/shares/group:default
online         Jul_16   svc:/network/shares/group:zfs
online         Jul_16   svc:/network/shares/group:smb

Sorry little bit odd for me that few minutes finding time. Under the 
booting time it has to find the smb server. I think this is another 
annoying bug in win.
Anyway tank you the quick answer.
Next time I'll try the svcadm enable wins command.

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