[OpenIndiana-discuss] [UNSUBSCRIBE]

Apostolos Syropoulos asyropoulos at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 7 18:54:38 UTC 2013

>>  But it is of paramount importance to those running desktops!
>>  Remember that Linux became popular because it is reliable
>>  alternative to both Windows and MacOS as a desktop system.
> Excuse me? Linux on the desktop has been and still is a goal. Maybe with 

A goal? It is already there!

> Valve making Steam on Linux a reality this might take things a bit 
> closer in terms of home desktops but business desktops is still a pipe 
> dream.

What's a business desktop? In many countries companies have abandoned 

windows for Linux desktops.

> Linux is popular because it was and is a cheap, reliable alternative to 
> super expensive Unix and Windows

Linux is not cheap: it's free! And yes it is reliable. And that should
be the goal of Illumos etc.

Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

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