[OpenIndiana-discuss] copying a reference installation to other hosts

Hans J. Albertsson hans.j.albertsson at branneriet.se
Sun Mar 10 12:27:37 UTC 2013

Found some errors in the script. Questions interfoliated!
Mind you, my Qs might just show my limitations.. bear with me, please, 
if so.

On 2013-03-05 10:48, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
> On 05/03/2013 09:47, Hans J. Albertsson wrote:
>> Suppose one has several machines, all intended to run exactly the same
>> software.
>> Suppose one gets one of them absolutely perfect, and one wants all the
>> other, electronically identical, machines to have exactly the same
>> software installed: What is the easiest way?
>> Generate a list of packages and config details ( how to do that???
>> getting a list of packages is straight-forward, but config details?? )
>> and install from that list after a bit of editing and scripting it?
>> Do a replication of the rpool to a disk intended for another system??
>> Uggh. I want a way that doesn't include opening up a server.
>> Or some third way??
> We found that none of the official ways (flar,auto-install, etc.)
> does exactly this, so we use a replication scheme which works
> along the lines below (adapt to your needs, depending on software,
> there may be more places where a hostname must be changed, e.g.,
> webmin, or crypto keys have to be exchanged, etc.).
> This scheme also works when replicating to different
> hardware, so you can essentially run a quasi one-image policy.
> You can also embed this (better automated) script into the boot-archive
> to implement a variant of auto-install, we use this to install our
> blade farm.
> Beware, that script constantly has to be adapted, it usually
> never works at once (e.g., disk number always is different)....
> (Note that there are some unintended line breaks below from the mailer)
> #!/bin/bash
> # STATUS: ug 05-Mar-2013
> # install machine <name> with single <ip>
> # start from running live DVD
> #
> if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ]; then
>   echo "Usage:install_script <name> <ip>"
>   exit 1
> fi
> # config
> export HOME=/root
> export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
> DEV=e1000g0
> IP_BASE=192.168.1.
> SOURCE_IP=<your_source_ip_in_$IPBASE>
> SOURCE_FS=rpool/ROOT/openindiana-7
> DEF_ROUT=<your_gateway_ip>
> DOMAIN=<yourdomain>
> DISK=c5t0d0p0
> #===================================================
> IP=${IP_BASE}$2
Shouldn't there be a similar line constructing the Source's full IP
> NAME=$1
> echo $NAME>/etc/hostname.$DEV
> echo $NAME>/etc/test
> mv /etc/test /etc/nodename
> hostname $NAME
> #
> # prepare a bare minimum hosts file
> # for network to reach source machine
> #
> cat >/etc/hosts<<EOT
> ::1        localhost
>  localhost
> $IP $NAME $NAME.$DOMAIN loghost
where do you define $SOURCE???

> #
> # prepare network
> #
> echo $DEF_ROUT>/etc/defaultrouter
> svcadm disable nwam
> svcadm enable svc:/network/physical:default
> ifconfig ${DEV} unplumb
> ifconfig ${DEV} plumb
> ifconfig ${DEV} ${IP} netmask broadcast ${IP_BASE}255 up
> fi

Something is amiss here around this fi...
> svcadm restart network/physical:default
> # Wait for network up
> ifconfig -a
> while ! ping $SOURCE 1; do sleep 2;echo ;echo "ping 
> $SOURCE...">/dev/console; done
> echo "starting installation">/dev/console
> #
> # format disk
> #
> devfsadm
> echo "formatting disk ${DISK}">/dev/console
> fdisk -B ${DISK}
> format ${DISK}
> prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/${DISK}
> DISK=`echo ${DISK}|sed 's/p0/s0/'`
> #
> # copy rpool from source machine (passwords needed!)
> #
> zpool create -f rpool ${DISK}
> echo "copying rpool to ${DISK}, wait ...">/dev/console
> ssh -p 24 -c blowfish-cbc rootcsh@$SOURCE "zfs send 
> ${SOURCE_FS}@install"|zfs receive -d rpool
port 24??? Blowfish?
This should work just as well with an ordinary user with the Primary 
admin profile
and prefixing zfs send with pfexec??
Also, one must first create a snapshot BEname at install of the active??

   > echo "rpool copied">/dev/console
> zfs set canmount=on rpool/ROOT
> zfs set mountpoint=/rpool/ROOT rpool/ROOT
> zfs set canmount=on ${SOURCE_FS}
> zfs set mountpoint=/${SOURCE_FS} ${SOURCE_FS}
> sleep 20
> cd /${SOURCE_FS}/
> #
> # delete source machines devices and copy devs
> # generated from live DVD below present devs
> # This works over different hardware
> #
> mount -F lofs -o nosub / /mnt
> rm -rf dev devices
> (cd /mnt;tar cvf - devices dev)|tar xf -
> umount /mnt
> cp /etc/path_to_inst etc
> #
> # overwrite source machines name,ID,key entries
> #
> echo $NAME > etc/nodename
> rm -f etc/hostname.*
> rm etc/hostid
> echo $NAME > etc/hostname.${DEV}
> cp /etc/inet/hosts etc/inet/
> dbus-uuidgen>var/lib/dbus/machine-id
> rm etc/ssh/ssh_host*
> ssh-keygen -N '' -P '' -b 1024 -t rsa -f etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
> ssh-keygen -N '' -P '' -b 2048 -t dsa -f etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
> svcadm restart ssh
> #
> # prepare grub, some swap and dump space
> #
> cp /etc/zfs/zpool.cache etc/zfs/
> scp -r -P 24 ${SOURCE}:/rpool/boot /rpool
> zpool set bootfs=${SOURCE_FS} rpool
> zfs create -V 4g rpool/swap
> zfs create -V 2g rpool/dump
> bootadm update-archive -R /${SOURCE_FS}
> installgrub boot/grub/stage1 boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/${DISK}
> touch reconfigure
> cd
> #
> # set required zfs properties for rpool
> #
> zfs set mountpoint=/ ${SOURCE_FS}
> zfs set canmount=noauto ${SOURCE_FS}
> zfs mountpoint=legacy rpool/ROOT
> zfs set canmount=off rpool/ROOT
> zfs set org.opensolaris.caiman:install=ready rpool
> zfs set primarycache=all ${SOURCE_FS}
> zfs set secondarycache=all ${SOURCE_FS}
> echo "installation done">/dev/console
> #init 6
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