[OpenIndiana-discuss] SMF retries count

Michael Stapleton michael.stapleton at techsologic.com
Tue Mar 26 13:44:01 UTC 2013

There are a number of environmental variables used by asadmin, but I did
not find anything that looked promising.

As a last resort hack, you could you wrap the asadmin command in a
I would also try to find out why my app takes over 60 seconds to stop.
We might be trying to cure the symptom.


On Tue, 2013-03-26 at 14:26 +0100, Jim Klimov wrote:

> On 2013-03-26 14:09, Michael Stapleton wrote:
> > Hi Jim,
> >
> > Your SMF method is likely running asadmin.
> >
> > Have you tried using the asadmin command directly to stop the domain?
> > It sounds like it could be the default 60 second socket timeout when
> > asadmin attempts to contact glassfish.
> > Network issues? Glassfish already down?
> Yes, the default SMF integration of glassfish invokes asadmin with
> such actions as start-domain and stop-domain. I do want to have it
> managed by SMF since that's catered for, and these actions to seem
> to include a timeout (60s for stop, 600s for start), both of which
> are exceeded in this instance; I am looking into GlassFish code now
> to see if these two timeouts are hard-coded or configurable (aren't
> according to the docs).
>  From what I gather, when these 60 or 600 seconds elapse, the admin
> CLI verifies the server state. If it was stopping but still runs,
> or if it was starting but still doesn't accept connections, the
> asadmin program (a java class, ultimately) returns a non-zero exit
> code. Thus the SMF method fails (despite configured lack of SMF's
> own timeouts), even though the server happily starts or stops a
> few minutes past the existing asadmin timeout.
> I am inclined to think this is poor programming on glassfish side,
> but wonder what I can do to properly host and manage the appserver
> via SMF.
> PS: If I use asadmin directly, i.e. to restart the appserver, while
> SMF is also enabled, the death of a java process causes SMF to start
> it up again - and my manual invokation of restart also starts it.
> So the two java processes competing for same ports come into conflict.
> //Jim
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