[OpenIndiana-discuss] I'm back with a physical machine but encounter the BLACK SCREEN as well

WarGrey Gyoudmon Ju juzhenliang at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 01:46:06 UTC 2013

One year ago, I asked for helping about the incompatibilities of networking
virtualization between OI and vbox. I thought Using a physical machine to
play with Illumos-based System is the most proper way. Now I format the
entire hard disk of my 2010-mid Macbook Pro for OpenIndiana b157a7.

My experience in using OI virtualbox was not as well as it should be. The
main trouble is about the fucking GNOME, it froze frequently, sometimes I
could reboot via ssh or just push the power-off button. Okay there are more
important things than struggling with the GUI so I disabled it.

Now in the physical machine, the GNOME suddenly goes black frequently as
well, even worse, rebooting it via ssh does not work. I figure that the
root cause might be the switching between two video cards. Indeed 2010-mid
Macbook Pro might intermittently freeze or stop displaying video in the
past time, and disabling compiz animation (which enabled default) reduces
the frequency effectively.

Can you help me to locate the root cause more reasonable?
It seems that it does not dump cores and lacks logs, maybe I deal with
 these facilities in a wrong way.

I don't think disabling the GUI is a good idea.
In virtual machine OpenIndiana was a server system, and now it is a
workstation aim at scientific computing and visualizing.
Compiz is good for effective settings rather than useless animations.

By the way, How is the DE development going?

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