[OpenIndiana-discuss] gdm freezing

solarg solarg87 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 16 15:00:12 UTC 2014

hello all,
i have oi 151a7, on old Sun Ultra 20, used as home server. But when 
booting, and displaying the login, the mouse and the keyboard are 
unresponsive. I can remote ssh, and use svcadm to restart gdm and after 
several restart, it is ok.
The first idea was to upgrade to a8, but i can't due to old repository 
like SFE or homeunix:

root at ultra20:~# pkg image-update
Creating Plan | N
pkg update: The following packages all deliver file actions to 


These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.

ok, now i'm trying to remove all packages from SFE:
root at ultra20:~# pkg uninstall -v SFE*
Creating Plan |
pkg uninstall: The requested change to the system attempts to install 
multiple actions
for dir 'usr/share/locale/es' with conflicting attributes:

     2 packages deliver 'dir group=bin mode=0755 owner=root 
These packages may not be installed together.  Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.

root at ultra20:~# pkg publisher
PUBLISHER                             TYPE     STATUS   URI
openindiana.org                       origin   online 
opensolaris.org          (disabled)   origin   online 
opensolaris.org          (disabled)   mirror   online 
http://pkg-na-2.opensolaris.org/dev /
localhost                (disabled)   origin   online 

Is it possible to force uninstall?

thanks in advance,


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