[OpenIndiana-discuss] 2014 April 8

cpforum cpforum at orange.fr
Thu Feb 6 20:21:35 UTC 2014


2014 April 8 ... this is the End ...

End of what ?

Just the End of Microsoft support for Windows XP.
Time passing, 2014 April 8 will be the beginning of more and more Windows XP botnets.
Facts : to day about 20 - 30 % of desktop are still running Windows XP (almost 50% are in China).

It's a chance for Linux, it's also an unique opportunity for Openindiana and other IllumOS based distros.

Many PC running XP are Pentium IV 2 Ghz/1 Gb RAM/80 Gb disk or more than that.
This minimal hardware is enough for running OpenIndiana.

If a stable or prestable Openindiana release comes in April with theses Six updated basic desktop tools : Firefox 24.X.Yesr, Thunderbird 24.X.Yesr, Oracle JDK7 or OpenJDK 7, OpenOffice 4.0.1 or LibreOffice 4.2.x and VLC 2.1.3), then it's possible to catch some Windows XP users making a larger OpenIndiana/IllumOS community.

All theses tools unpackaged exist. Firefox and Thunderbird are here :



VLC 1.1.11 exist inside pkg.openindiana.org/sfe-uncumbered, more recent VLC 2.1.1 exist in XStreamOS
LibreOffice 4.0.x package exist in XStreamOS ...
And now OpenOffice 4.0.1 not yet packaged is coming, stable I hope ?...

All developpers of this list shoud have to join an make a reality of an openindiana stable release including the above tools and ready for the 2014 April 8.

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