[OpenIndiana-discuss] Re-installing an OI vm after OS crash

Harry Putnam reader at newsguy.com
Tue Mar 18 20:24:24 UTC 2014

I hope this isn't too OT.  IT does involve an OI installation.

I suffered a full scale crash/burn in win 7.  That machine had been
running the OS for several yrs, and I took the opportunity to
completely renew it rather than try to salvage the crashed OS.

I was able to salvage all my data files ... not OS related.

Before the crash and re-install, I had a few Solaris based vms
running. The main one that was more than just tinkering was an install
of OI from the 151 bld... (I think).  My setup was to have all vm
stuff on a separate partition and all of it beneath a top directory
named vb.

So, my questions here are:
1) How to go about re-establishing the previous vm setup?

   I have installed the latest vbox on the new os.  That process
   installed a new ~/.VirtualBox on the new OS, and of course this
   will contain different data than the one from the crashed OS that 
   would have had data concerning my OI (and a few other) vms.

2) Can I just replace the new ~/.VirtualBox with the old to regain
   whatever info was there about my OI install?

Note that the currently installed version of VirtualBox is at least
one version newer than the one in force when OI was last used.

3) Is it just a matter of unpacking the previous 'vb' hierarchy on a
partition, overwriting ~/.VirtualBox with the old one... and away we
go? Or is it more complicated? 

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