[OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenSXCE It is illegal to sell without source code.

Martin Bochnig martin at martux.org
Mon Sep 15 00:28:27 UTC 2014


[oi-dev] OpenSXCE It is illegal to sell without source code.

Nikola M. minikola at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 19:13:42 UTC 2014

Well, you UNIX Admin who only works for $$$.
You damn person are beginning to make me REALLY DAMN ANGRY!

If it relieves you: At the time when I offered OpenSXCE for sale, I
was still willing to publish everything.
However: In weeks and months and YEARS nobody ever came who bought it from me.
I can easiliy prove this with my bank account statements that I saved
(everything permanently 1000 EUR in Minus, paying 17% interest all the

_In RE-Action_ to all this, I finally lost my mood to share years of
my life's work for free.
If you have trouble in understanding this: Give me everything you got
paid for your job from 2006 till 2014.  NOW!

Instead of annoying me or the other readers with such shit, you could
already have written a few lines of code, why didn't you?

LBNL: Your reasoning about the "security concerns": Do you really
trust your ISP or Oracle or MS or even any of the major LinUX
Even the large encrytion organisationz have been bought by NSA to
intentionally weaken encryption.

NSA paid $10 million to put its backdoor in RSA encryption ...

Well, if you really want to know it: Idiots like you are the reason,
why I turn OpenSXCE back into a private OS for friends of myself:

OpenSXCE's future:   http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2014/09/opensxces-future.html

Last thing, READ THAT (100 times) :

It has little if anything to do with political """""views""""". The
question is, who is still a human being, and acts like one?


BTW: Yes, Sun put Billions into the development of Solaris, and
therefore wanted to protect that investment. And therefore was
reluctant to release its src code. You know something: I put much of
MY LIFE into OpenSXCE. And that's worth more than a few Billions. If
you don't believe that, the day will come when you will  ...

I worked for free for much of 8 years, and all you can come up with is
Are you insane?

And now do me a single favour: GO OUT OF MY EYES, FOR ALL TIMES.

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