[OpenIndiana-discuss] Newer versions of Firefox -- What About Chrome?

Peter Tribble peter.tribble at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 13:14:31 UTC 2015

> I have 31.8.0esr in Tribblix, which works fine for most things. Anything
>> else
>> I run 40.whatever under Wine, which actually does a very good job.
> Hello.
> Does FF plugins work for you (IcedTea/Flash)? Is it gcc-compiled?

I'm just using the Oracle builds. (Actually, the S10 build which is more
compatible - the SS11 build requires a bit more of gnome than I have.)

I have IcedTea if I need it. Not having flash isn't a great loss ;-)

(It's the only thing I have that uses pangox, which got removed from
pango a while back. OK, I could add pangox-compat, but I'm not
sure it's worth it. Not having flash - or plugins generally - makes
the browser much more stable, and there isn't that much that needs
flash [and there are fairly aggressive moves to get rid of flash anyway).
The flash plugin is pretty old anyway, so you wouldn't really want it. I
have looked at lightspark and gnash, but they are pretty messy. Or
there's Shumway. But it's so much easier to run a Windows version
of Firefox under Wine if you actually need some of the horrors.)

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/

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