[OpenIndiana-discuss] Newer versions of Firefox -- What About Chrome?

Peter Tribble peter.tribble at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 12:37:44 UTC 2015

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Alexander Pyhalov <alp at rsu.ru> wrote:

> Hello.
> jay at m5.chicago.il.us писал 24.08.2015 04:43:
>> I am running Solaris 11.2 on one of my computers, the latest version
>> of Solaris available for download from Oracle (at least, as of a month
>> ago, when I downloaded and installed it).  It comes with Firefox ESR
>> 17.0.11.  As far as I can tell, it works fine, I am completely
>> satisfied with it.  Why is it important to get Firefox 40.0 (this is
>> not a rhetorical question, I want to know)?  What I would really like
>> to get -- not as a replacement for Firefox, but to supplement it -- is
>> Chrome.  How come I never see anyone discussing porting Chrome?  It
>> is, after all, an open-source product.  Hasn't anyone else been
>> interested in getting Chrome working on OpenSolaris-derived systems?
> I think that updating Firefox to more or less fresh version is much easier,
> as there are at least Oracle patches and pkgsrc work.

Still quite a bit of work, though.

I have 31.8.0esr in Tribblix, which works fine for most things. Anything
I run 40.whatever under Wine, which actually does a very good job.

> As for porting Chromium, I'd estimate it would be a good thing to do,
> but I fear we just lack men skilful and motivated enough to do it
> (briefly: it's unreal).

It might be easier to get Webkit running properly - it certainly has been
available on OpenSolaris in the past. That would open the door to a
number of other browsers that use Webkit, as well as a number of
applications that use it for rendering.

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/

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