[OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana 151a8 as Guest VM inside QEMU/KVM with virtio?

Assaf Gordon assafgordon at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 23:57:37 UTC 2015


I'm working on a project providing virtual-machine images for few OSes, for portability testing and experimentation purposes ( http://pretest.nongnu.org ).
I've recently added an OpenIndiana guest VM image.
It runs nicely, but I was not able to use virtio network or disk. I was only able to install using "e1000" network emulation and "ide" device emulation.

I did see that there are two related packages ("vioblk" and "virtio"), and I managed to install them inside the guest VM - but failed to make them detect the QEMU/KVM devices (or, more likely - I do not know how to make them detect the devices after 'modload').

Are these option supported (i.e. starting OI guest vm with "qmeu [...] -net model=virtio -drive if=virtio"),
and if so, is there some documentation or hints on how to get it working?

  - Assaf


If anyone is interested in trying, the following should "just work":
wget http://files.housegordon.org/pretest/v0.1/openindiana151a8.build-ready.qcow2.xz
unxz openindiana151a8.build-ready.qcow2.xz
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 1024 \
     -nodefaults -machine pc-1.1 -vga std -vnc none -boot c \
     -net nic,model=e1000 -net user,hostfwd=tcp: \
     -drive file=openindiana151a8.build-ready.qcow2,if=ide,media=disk,index=0 \
     -serial mon:stdio \
The guest's console will be connected to the terminal, and then login with user "miles" password "12345".

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