[OpenIndiana-discuss] rpool defragmentation

Andrew Gabriel illumos at cucumber.demon.co.uk
Tue Jan 20 14:18:02 UTC 2015

Your question about fragmentation brings up the same question as before 
- what are you trying to defragment?
The FRAG column in zpool status relates to fragmentation of free space. 
If you take a disk which is 80% full and replace it with a disk which is 
twice the size, the pool's freespace will become 6 times bigger with 
newly allocated unfragmented free space, so the FRAG figure will drop to 
1/6th of whatever it was before, without you needing to do anything else.

You would only copy the filesystem to defragment the layout of files (or 
more strictly blocks), and I suspect that will only have become an issue 
if you have been writing to the filesystem for some time with a highly 
fragmented spacemap. In many cases, the majority of the files in rpool 
would have been written during installation when the spacemap would not 
have been fragmented, and those files have not been modified so will not 
themselves be fragmented. Any files which have become fragmented are 
those you write to, and in many cases these will defragment when you 
next write them with the spacemap defragmented. The only case where this 
won't happen and might matter would be for files written when the 
spacemap was badly fragmented which are not modifed again, but are often 
read (but not often enough to stay in the ARC). In most rpool cases, it 
doesn't sound to me like this case is likely to be worth worrying about.

I have copied a boot environment for another reason (to force copies=2 
on a boot environment of a single-disk system).

BEs are normally clones of course, so only changed blocks are newly laid 
down. In my case, I want them all laid down again with the copies=2 rule 
inplace. I did this by first creating a new BE with beadm create. Then I 
used zfs destroy to  blow away the new clone, and used zfs send/recv to 
create a new filesystem of the same name that the clone had been. 
Slightly to my surprise, beadm was perfectly happy with the result, and 
could activate and boot from the new (non-cloned) filesystem just fine.

Nikolam wrote:
> As I understand, one can first migrate to bigger drives for rpool
> (being tight on rpool is not very healthy, anyway)
> and then do zfs send of BE on disk themselves, or copying to new BE.
> Where I am not sure if zfs send also does defragmentation (I suppose
> it does since it see file system layout) and where copying files
> surely would do defragmentation.
> It is also a question does really all data on rpool is system-related
> and could it be migrated elsewhere or there are many snapshots that
> use space.

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