[OpenIndiana-discuss] Hipster and puppet

Andrew Gabriel illumos at cucumber.demon.co.uk
Mon Jan 26 10:17:50 UTC 2015

Grüninger wrote:
> Last Friday I made an installation of hipster in our corporate network.
> We use puppet for configuration management.
> Puppet set facts to classify the system and one of them is "operatingsystem".
> The value for operatingsystem is determined by evaluation of 'uname -v'.
> # Hipster: uname -v
> illumos-f8554bb
> # OpenIndiana oi151a9 : uname -v
> oi_151a9
> and the ruby code of puppet
>       def get_operatingsystem
>         output = Facter::Core::Execution.exec('uname -v')
>         if output =~ /^joyent_/
>           "SmartOS"
>         elsif output =~ /^oi_/
>           "OpenIndiana"
>         elsif output =~ /^omnios-/
>           "OmniOS"
>         elsif FileTest.exists?("/etc/debian_version")
>           "Nexenta"
>         else
>           "Solaris"
>         end
>       end
> IMHO this is a wrong classification as hipster will be handled like Oracle Solaris.
> And we manage OpenIndiana a151a9 and Oracle Solaris systems with puppet.
> And the test system was handled as an Oracle Solaris system.
> I will make a pull request to change the value but I am unsure which value to choose.
> What do you prefer?
> "OpenIndiana" as before and as recognition of a special distribution.
> "IllumOS" as a more general specification.

I would say it should be "OpenIndiana".
"Illumos" would cover several different distros with potentially 
different sysadmin interfaces, which is not helpful.

FYI, here's a similar selection from Chef, to narrow down the type of 
Solaris platform, which is all driven from contents of /etc/release. I 
added some of this for local use, but I didn't test all the existing 

File.open("/etc/release") do |file|
 while line = file.gets
   case line
   when /^.*(SmartOS).*$/
     platform "smartos"
   when /^\s*(OmniOS).*r(\d+).*$/
     platform "omnios"
     platform_version $2
   when /^\s*(OpenIndiana).*oi_(\d+).*$/
     platform "openindiana"
     platform_version $2
   when /^\s*Open Storage Appliance\s+(.*)$/
     platform "nexentastor"
     platform_version $1
   when /^\s*(OpenSolaris).*snv_(\d+).*$/
     platform "opensolaris"
     platform_version $2
   when /^\s*(Oracle Solaris) (\d+)\s.*$/
     platform "solaris2"
   when /^\s*(Solaris)\s.*$/
     platform "solaris2"
   when /^\s*(NexentaCore)\s.*$/
     platform "nexentacore"

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