[OpenIndiana-discuss] Building applications

russell stream at willows7.myzen.co.uk
Thu Jun 4 19:27:27 UTC 2015


After getting frustrated with running Firefox 31.3.0 crashing on 
OpenIndiana if it was left running for any length of time.
I did start the process of building Firefox v38.0.1. As a result of this 
I found a couple of things when attempting to do this, the pulseaudio 
library was not installed an easy fix if you know its there. The 
question should be "Should PulseAudio be installed by default on a 
desktop install?". I would say yes.

Carrying on with Firefox, I had to work to find a reasonable configure 
command, this was after working out the best value for PATH so that the 
right version of the GNU applications are called for configure to work 

CC=gcc PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/gnu/lib/pkgconfig" 
CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/gnu/include LDFLAGS="-L/opt/gnu/lib -R/opt/gnu/lib
-lsocket -lnsl" ../mozilla-release/configure 
--prefix=/opt/firefox-38.0.1 --disable-alsa

Now I got the stage that configure reports the following error.

configure: error: ECMAScript Internationalization API is not yet 
supported on this platform

Google is our friend and this presents the following as an option 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nodejs/s0XMutjEAR  which 
basically informs us that the node.js from nodejs.org provides 
ECMAScript Internationalization API 1.0 support.  The current release of 
node.js is v0.12.4 which is available as solaris x86 and x64 binaries. I 
tried to build the latest myself and hit a dependency.

Since going through the process of building all VLC's dependencies and 
then failing to build VLC itself was very annoying. However VLC failed 
because of strerror_l() function expected in the string.h include file. 
It is the dependencies that are problem when building applications 
because many dependency libraries are not there and have to built first.

Surely anyone wanting to build Firefox should find it a simple matter of 
downloading the source code, unpacking, running configure and then gmake.

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