[OpenIndiana-discuss] network errors

Jonathan Adams t12nslookup at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 16:03:48 UTC 2015

just to start, are these ip-type=shared, or ip-type=exclusive?

If they are shared, can you show us a limited "net" only section of your
svccfg -z <zone> info ?

Is there any reason that you are using separate cards for each zone, and
not just virtualizing the cards?


On 19 June 2015 at 16:56, the outsider <openindiana at out-side.nl> wrote:

> I have a server with 3 networkports connected to the local network (1GB)
> On my server I run multiple zones all within the same range.
> (192.168.132.x)
> I have several OI and solaris 11 servers and have never seen these problems
> before, they seem to be related:
> Problem 1:
> When I try pkg update from the global zone I get only error messages like
> URL: 'http://pkg.openindiana.org/sfe'. (happened 4 times)
> 3: Framework error: code: 7 reason: Failed to connect to
> Cannot assign requested address
> URL: 'http://pkg.openindiana.org/legacy'. (happened 4 times)
> This "Cannot assign requested address" can be caused by a limit on free
> sockets, but I tried "netstat -s |fgrep -i listendrop" and it reports:
> netstat -s |fgrep -i listendrop
>         tcpListenDrop       =     0     tcpListenDropQ0     =     0
>         sctpListenDrop      =     0     sctpInClosed        =     0
> so no packets seem to get dropped
> Problem 2:
> From the within the zones I get ping and other connection errors like DNS
> to
> all IP-adresses outside the server. This happens randomly it seems.
> root at GF03:~# traceroute openindiana.org
> traceroute to openindiana.org (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
> packets
> 1  * * *
> 2  * * *
> 3 ^C
> But 2 minutes later:
> root at GF03:~# traceroute openindiana.org
> traceroute: unknown host openindiana.org
> root at GF03:~# traceroute openindiana.org
> traceroute: unknown host openindiana.org
> a couple of weeks ago the problems were even bigger and I stumbled upon a
> helpfile on the internet suggesting to turn on
> svc:/network/location:default
> svcadm enable svc:/network/location:default
> It cured a lot of connection problems, but it was the first time that I had
> to enable it within zones and there a still strange connection errors.
> OS is : SunOS PSK-OI 5.11 oi_151a9 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris
> The server is connected to a 24 port Gigabit switch, together with another
> Solaris 11 box and a windows server. These 2 servers don't have any
> problem.
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