[OpenIndiana-discuss] /hipster: latest kernel updates cause crash when vbox guest is started

Jim Klimov jimklimov at cos.ru
Fri Apr 15 16:40:19 UTC 2016

> But, on mentioned wiki page (was reading it for whole day): http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/7.2+VirtualBox I did not seen that link... From where did you got it? And what is exactly patched there?

I believe this refers to my patch for vboxconfig.sh (see github links in the middle of Installation and Configuration Process chapter). Readme for the patch describes how to repackage VirtualBox SVR4 file including the config-script patch, and I'd *guess* minikola published the resulting file to simplify life for others.

HTH, Jim

Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Samsung Android

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