[OpenIndiana-discuss] Hijacking of Shift-F5

Jean-Pierre André jean-pierre.andre at wanadoo.fr
Thu May 18 15:00:41 UTC 2017


[new thread as a follow-up to a similar one by Harry Putnam]

>> I'm guessing the main OS (oi-hipster) has in someway hijacked
>> exclusive use of CTRL key.  But I have no idea how to begin to fix
>> this.
> It turns out the above statement was right.  The way the HOST os
> hi-jacked the ctrl key:
> In the preference settings under: Preferences => hdware => mouse
> There is a check box at `Locate Pointer'
>    <show postition of pointer when control is pressed>
> I had it checked.  Unchecking that box will free the control key to work
> inside Vbox vms.

How did you hunt this ?

I have a similar problem with Shift-F5 which is hijacked
by some code I cannot locate. Apparently this does not
reach Xorg (xev does not see the KeyPress event), so I
cannot redefine it.

I thought it was hijacked by the nvidia driver, as I got
the normal behavior on a computer with Intel graphics, but
this was with vesa emulation. The Intel graphics driver
can now be used, and the hijacking now also shows up on
this computer.

So this must be an OI/illumos thing (or at least something
common to nvidia and intel drivers but not the vesa one).
How can I locate and un-hijack it ?

Note : Shift-F5 causes a screen blink. Is it taken for
a screen copy or a screen print ?


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