[OpenIndiana-discuss] Creating login screen screenshot with xwd

Nikola M minikola at gmail.com
Fri Feb 2 15:11:25 UTC 2018

On 01/25/18 05:17 PM, Nikola M wrote:
> Also it might be interesting to others : How to create login screen/X 
> session screenshot, while aether from VT/text console or while ssh-ing 
> to remote machine.
> First create 'shot.sh' sctipt and save it in shot.sh:
> echo 'DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth xwd -root' 
> >/tmp/shot.sh
> Then create screenshot:
> sudo bash /tmp/shot.sh >/tmp/shot.xwd
> or in my case:
> pfexec bash /tmp/shot.sh >/tmp/shot.xwd

In addition to this, it is worth mentioning that with all newer systems 
and installs ,
when using lightdm instead of gdm , creating shot.sh like this:

echo 'DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/var/run/lightdm/root/:0 xwd -root' 

Since it is unlikely there would be gdm use in the future OI installs, 
and lightdm used instead,
this might prove useful to someone searching for an Xorg screenshot 
solution form ssh.

> And optionally convert .xwd image to .png with convert from 
> 'imagemagick' package:
> convert -quality 50 /tmp/shot.xwd /tmp/shot.jpg
> convert /tmp/shot.xwd /tmp/shot.png
> or just use GIMP to open .xwd file and save it in desired format.
> I found the solution, that also works on OI/illumos, here:
> https://askubuntu.com/questions/43458/how-can-i-take-a-screenshot-of-the-login-screen 

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