[OpenIndiana-discuss] Hipster 10 / 2018 Mate desktop 1. 2 -changing password utility

Alexander Pyhalov alp at sfedu.ru
Fri Nov 2 21:17:44 UTC 2018


>From what I see, mate-about-me expects passwd to write input/output to stdin/stdout. But our passwd uses pam, which in its turn uses tty. So, mate-about-me waits for passwd to say something and doesn't see when it tries to interact with terminal (and possibly fails). Please, file an issue.

С уважением,
Александр Пыхалов,
программист отдела телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры
управления информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры ЮФУ

От: openbabel <openbabel at gmail.com>
Отправлено: 2 ноября 2018 г. 19:01:30
Кому: openindiana-discuss at openindiana.org
Тема: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hipster 10 / 2018 Mate desktop 1. 2 -changing       password utility

Dear all,

I have tried to change the current password using the mate desktop
utility. The utility seems to stall under authentication on two separate
hardware configurations. Is there a work around for this problem ?


Robert Jones

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